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Impact of Car Accidents

Understanding the Impact of Car Crashes

By Javier Dominguez and Gerry Cenobio

Every year 1.3 million people die in car crashes worldwide according to the National Center for Biotechnical Information. Every year families are left mourning their loved ones who passed away in a fatal car accident. Numerous factors can lead to these devastating incidents. In this article we will dive into all the factors to consider when driving on car, what causes car crashes, and what one can do to prevent these incidents to make roads a safer place.  

car crash picture

Side of a car crushed as the result of an accident. Photograph by Michael Jin.

Causes of Car Crashes

Human error is a leading cause of car crashes according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).  The Lawinfo website, which is a website where you can get in contact with lawyers who have experience with car crash cases, cites a study done by NHTSA in 2015 of over 2 million drivers. The study found that human error contributed to ninety-four percent of the car crashes. We tend to be more distracted by on-road scenes and lose focus and sometimes control of the vehicle we are driving. This could cause serious damage when in an accident and could even cause a fatality.

Several types of human error contribute to accidents. One national car insurance company that has dealt with various types of crashes, Bankrate, shares these statistics on their website: Drunk drivers cause over 10,000 deaths a year, and in 2021fatalitiess from driving under the influence rose by 14%. Additionally, the site reports that 29% of fatal crashes involve speeding. Distracted and drowsy driving are also causes of car crashes that fall under the classification “human error” as explained by Bankrate int his statement: “Six percent of fatal car crashes in 2021 involved distracted driving. Of the drivers involved in distracted driving, 65 percent were described as “lost in thought (daydreaming).” Another 11 percent were engaging in cell phone use.” “In 2021, 684 fatalities resulted from drowsy driving. Most drowsy driving occurs between midnight and 6 a.m. or in the late afternoon.”

    Another major cause for car crashes is poor road conditions as explained by the National Center for Biotechnical Information which is a government website that holds records for studies done on many topics it was found in 2007 that 20 percent of heavy car crashes we caused by roadway conditions wet roads and inclement weather, such as snow or heavy winds, construction zones, missing or confusing road signs, faded lines, and potholes are examples of bad roadway conditions.  Also explained by this website is that in 2006 the total cost of damages of traffic crashes where road conditions contributed or were a factor was found to be 217.5 billion dollars (about $670 per person in the US). Those 217.5 billion dollars were only 43.6 percent of the total cost of damages according to the National Center for Biotechnical Information. 

Driving Fatalities InfographicThe Consequences of Car Crashes 

Consequences or after-effects are inevitable for the people who experience incidents. Whether a driver is at fault or not determines whether they face legal consequences or personal consequences. It is important to note that the severity of the consequences depends on the circumstances of the car crash. Legal and financial consequences are always going to be implemented on the people involved in a car crash. Whether the consequence is good or bad depends on whether you are found at fault or not. The official website of the D.M.V. (Department of Motor Vehicles) which is a government agency in charge of issuing licenses, maintaining driving records, and registering and recording ownership of vehicles explains “If the driver involved in the collision is not identified, the owner of the motor vehicle involved will have their driver’s license suspended.” The D.M.V. also reiterates that it is extremely important for drivers to have car insurance as it will help with some of the financial struggles that a car collision brings. The D.M.V. website gives some examples of the financial struggles one can face keep in mind these are based on the minimum charge. The D.M.V. explains “The minimum amount your insurance must cover is $15,000 for a single death or injury, $30,000 for death or injury to more than one person $5,000 for property damage caused by one accident.” It is explained that your insurance should pay these amounts but if you have no insurance those amounts would fall on you.  

    Personal Consequences are always most likely to happen regardless of the severity of the car crash. Debbie Taussig Law, a legal group of lawyers who have dealt with cases for various crimes and accidents including car accidents describes some of the personal consequences people who suffer a car crash must face. One example of a personal consequence is living with or rehabilitating from a long-term injury. Their website elaborates that the most serious personal consequences accident victims experience are permanent injuries that “can include but are not limited to, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), concussions, neck injuries, back injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, scars, or amputations.” How you determine if an injury is long-term or not is through regular medical treatment and the passage of time. According to Debbie Taussig Law, when “it becomes clear that their injuries are not getting better, even though plenty of time has passed since their car crash” then the person is suffering from a long-term injury.

    Another example of a personal consequence that accident victims experience is the emotional effects of the crash. These can include worry, anxiety, or panic attacks when back in a vehicle. As the website explains “One of the most common things we hear from our clients is that they fear riding in the car after their car crash. For some, it may mean that they are afraid to even get in the car after their car accident. For others, it may mean that certain intersections cause them emotional turmoil.”


Preventive Measures  

One can take preventive measures to reduce the chances of a car accident. The Demas Law Group is a group of lawyers who have experience in cases revolving around car crashes and can advise on how we can protect ourselves from being the cause of a car crash. There are basic things that everyone should follow like following the safety laws put in place wherever you are driving and keeping in mind that different places have different laws. The Demas Law Group explains “State and federal traffic laws exist to keep everyone safe. Always obey these laws by driving at the speed limit, coming to a full stop at stop signs and red lights, and obeying all relevant traffic signals.”  

    Another way to prevent a car crash is to avoid distracted driving, the Demas Law Group explainsAnything that diverts your attention from the road counts as distracted driving Common distracted driving behaviors include texting, talking on the phone, and eating or drinking behind the wheel. Even minor distractions create opportunities for accidents.”  Another important thing that not many people think of doing to prevent accidents is to keep their cars in good shape. As the Demas Law Group explains “A properly maintained vehicle is a safe vehicle. Routine maintenance reduces your chances of a breakdown or loss-of-control accident caused by component failure. You should regularly check and keep your tires, brakes, fluids, wipers, filters, belts, and hoses.” 

     Our recommendations for staying safe while driving on the road are to avoid distractions: stop using phones while driving or eating in the car and follow state laws for drivers. Not only that but check your car regularly for flaws, especially the wheels, motor, and battery to ensure the highest level of safety possible for you and those in the car with you.